Wednesday 20 May 2015

Who are you?

An important question. Humans might be the most common answer. Actually I reckon that this is not a factual question, rather it is an opinion question. An average common man would tag himself as a human. A biologist might think of himself as a complex multi-cellular being. A housewife might consider herself as the most tortured and yet least rewarded being. All of them are right and no one is wrong. Similarly I also have an opinion, but I won't disclose it until we near then end, as it might influence your opinion.

Go and stand in front of a mirror, the purpose of this activity is not to grant you moments to admire your personal beauty, but the aim is to help you realize what you are actually. I don't want you sitting and pondering about yourself. That might make you self eccentric or as one of my cousin puts it 'might give you some depersonification blah blah syndrome or something'. Just think what you are, what you have done and analyze yourself on your own criteria.

Actually we all are terribly unique and have literally many aspects to our persona. I won't talk about someone other than myself. At times I can be brutally mean and other times I actually prefer people on my own self. Occasionally I might be the most boring person you would ever meet, but then there are times when you might find me entertaining. The point of all this is not to showcase myself but to portray the various shades of one entity.

However we also have some pitiful cases among us. These are people, who hate themselves, who don't like to be themselves. These people want to replace one or another of their trait with some other trait. It might be their appearance or their personality and character. They do not realize that everyone of us is in himself a gem; one of his kind, a perfect masterpiece. Though that doesn't mean everyone is perfect. Nay, no one is perfect. We all have neither one, nor two but millions of flaws. This is the way we are. We can't change it. We can't deny it. The nearest possibility to perfection is being yourself as much as you can and turning your adversities into your spotlight and making the best out of your flaws.

Now for the part who am I? In my opinion, I am everything and nothing. I am the best and the worst. I am kind and I am cruel. I am genius and I am stupid. Thus in my opinion, I literally possess many traits; positive as well as negative. You think I am too vague? or perhaps too general? Nope you are wrong. I've been as specific as possible. Still whatever I maybe, I am what I am. I am not the impersonation of somebody; legend even if it be. I have my own identity. Neither do I want to be someone else nor do I despise being myself. ( That however doesn't implies to that, I am self-centered or some thing of that sort)

So now who do you think you are? I beg you not to be influenced by my opinion and just refer to it as 'just another point of view'. Subsequently here I exit leaving you to yourself. Figure out who you are. Don't be too harsh or too lenient. After all who do you think you are fooling? If you tell me you are some great legend or intelligentsia ( though you are not even near to it)...I honestly don't care a bit. If you tell yourself, 'oh I am a legend, I'll make history and do this and that.' well good luck then embark on your journey of revolutionizing the world (nope I'm not joking, if you think you really can). Still don't try to fool yourself by tagging yourself something you are not. Focus on reality and on the basis of facts, determine your true self.

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