Wednesday 20 May 2015

Are we caged?

Being a student, one comes up with various thoughts and experiments.

So one day, we caught a wasp, injected ink in its abdomen and caged it with the perfect living conditions. Evidently and unfortunately, it didn't survive the injection and due to excessive blood loss, died on the second desk in our classroom, and is now buried under the rose plant. Anyway, the point of argument here is that,*ahem* I argue we,humans, are caged (all of us, including you and me).

Allah created the universe and the earth for us to dwell in. He created the seven continents and the waters. His these creations were for our sustenance and dependence. I see no reason to oppose the fact that universe and the earth was made for humans to dwell. They could walk here and there, anywhere freely. The Creator didn't impose any 'No Passing' tapes or something over territories. All land was for all men.

On the contrary tell for yourself, would you be able to go to America right now, given the transport,energy and nutrition....nope..definitely no. You would need those pesky documents, various documents of all sorts and sizes. This I consider is unfair for us, humans.

These documents; visas and passports etc are nothing but our own made complications. Similarly the national borders between the countries are also man-made hurdles. So without,these document stuff, you cant really walk on earth freely. Thus here I deem we are caged.

Nobody realizes this but we are definitely caged. If we weren't caged, I could have easily traveled anywhere on globe given the resources, but I am caged. I need the permission and acknowledgement of the cage-holders before traveling from one cage to another. By cage-holder the reference is deliberate to the state-holders. Imagine "UNITED CAGE OF AMERICA" or "PEOPLE'S CAGE OF CHINA".

I see that you are still not convinced of my argument. You still believe you live in a 'free country as a free citizen'. Well, well...what can I say?  Oh of course I can bid you a happy chirping in your cage. Perhaps I'd describe my point more.

See my fellows, if you can travel the globe regardless of the borders and documents, given the means to, just like a bird, then imagine how many sights could you many events could you many cultures and traditions you could observe...Just like a bird, flying where ever wanted and watching the world with a bird-view.

Concluding the topic, I would emphasize my cage philosophy which I strongly believe on. As for your opinion on this argument, well I honestly value that whatever it may be. So caged as we may be, we are not thoughtless beings like birds and must realize the difference between transitory and real freedom. Consequently raising our value and demanding our right from the cage holders. May be in the future you might see me as your Nelson Mandela or something..Nah I'm just dreaming...or perhaps not?


  1. We being humans are unpredictable beings and even if we do trust ourselves, other people, especially people who are completely different from us might not actually believe that we are not s threat to their independence or that we are not enemies , rather their friends. I read your other topics and really appreciate your work and know that your concept on almost every topic that you have written about is clear but the fact is that after reading this topic I became aware that your concept about power is not quite clear. We know that from the day the earth had been made to this day, man has always been blind and crazy for power and has crossed all limits for its possession. The biggest display of power is territory, and that is what we are seeing today, every country has its borders to make sure that other people know that this is their land. I think that we are really free here and if not then implementing your concept I would definitely say that we will never be free at all, if we are even allowed to go to different countries, see the wonders and beauties that nature wants to show us we still haven't conquered all the corners of the universe, and we are not free to go to different galaxies. Compared to the size of the actual universe we are mere ants. I firmly believe that what he have been given is enough for us because if blessings exceed the required level and we gain more power then I can assure you the first thing that is going to happen is war. The world after this much progress requires security and I think that is what is being provided to us now.........

    1. This is a fairly justified aspect to my cage theory. On the contrary you fail to get the point of all the argument. A bird has been granted the whole of earth to dwell in, yet we capture it, with the alibi of 'protecting the species from extinction' and the bird dies in the cage, despite being furnished with all luxuries and security most of all. As you just said, this restriction to remain in one area/territory is for our security then you can clearly see the similarity of it with the bird's case. Secondly, you believe that to showcase the power, we exhibit our territory, quite true this. However I honestly fail to comprehend how is war inevitable, if the people of all nations are brought closer with no borders and no distinction. Rather more peace would be promoted since, war is fought by the people not the elite and when the people are allowed to interact directly with each other, then the prospects are better. I clarify this here that I don't ask for a 'No-Country System' of some sort. What I only say is that all countries must have their borders opened for all people. You might argue that this might be a threat to national security as even the criminals and terrorists can enter without any problem. Aha...but then maybe we can use the expenses we put to fortify our borders on the law maintaining departments of the country. Lastly, universe...was never unknown to us. The neanderthals were stupid beings, but they had the slightest idea that something is out there, above us. Something which is shiny bright and mysterious. By passage of time, researchers found more and more about universe. That Copernicus guy, Einstein, Newton, Galileo and now Hawking. All these peoples work is actually extremely important to find the true nature of universe. The quantum theory isn't that the true secret of the matter of the universe? The Large Hadron Collider isn't that the practical try to see the universe? We, humans, are the 'Best among the Creations' we know a lot about universe. Do you know that there's this moon of Jupiter which has more water than earth? or do you know about another celestial body that is pretty close by and has signs of life? (Refer to "Interstellar" movie). I know it all seems bizarre, in the start every new thing seems bizarre, but this is the might not believe me..but this is it.
