Wednesday 27 May 2015


H.G. Wells, a famous classic author, whose books contain the ideas which truly reveal the fantastic nature of the author himself. In one of his books, War of the Worlds, martians attack Earth, conquer it but in the end die to some petty little virus.

Martians, the title that we have given to the inhabitants of Mars, have been the top-banana since a decade or even a century. Ever since the possibility of life was found on Mars, the Martians were created along. Who are martians? What do they look like? Do they really exist? or are they just another product of human imagination? Unfortunately, I don't know the answer, at least not until the Curiosity project of NASA has some substantial information. Still, what picture does the word 'martian' send in your brain? Greenish folks with 4 limbs and a human-like appearance? Never mind lets get to the topic.

Mr. Charles Darwin, the famous biologist and scientist presented the theory of evolution, which is today accepted generally i.e humans were first monkeys and then evolved into humans. Anyway I truly recognize your intrigue to know whats cooking because  H.G. Wells, Martians and Darwin don't inter-relate with each other. On the contrary they do inter-relate with each other.

According to H.G. Wells in War of the Worlds, martians were beings with only eyes, brains and 8 hands/legs. Something quite like an octopus. Their color was scarlet or a shade between scarlet and brown. The noteworthy thing here is why did the author make the martians so? Why did he give the poor martians no nose, to smell the beautiful scents? Why they had no ears, to hear the songs of birds, chirping in the open? Why ,after all, why? The author then himself gives the explanation to why he created martians as such. He did this, to improve the efficiency. Wells supports his argument by stating that ears,nose and even mouth along with many other vital body parts are unnecessary and wasteful. Some of you might argue back that everything has its own purpose and God created us, so everything He made had a purpose. I totally agree with you but just for the sake of time pass lets see such prospects. Wells states that ears allow us to hear noises that might distract us from our main goal. For example, a song played suddenly while we are studying, might distract us. Similarly sometimes just due to some strong fragrance, we might get irritated or again it might deviate us by playing with the smell sensing receptor cells in our nose. Wells patronizes his work by saying that it is due to the mouth that we waste time talking about things and hurt others feelings. Here another question arises, without nose, ear and mouth etc, would we not be able to do their functions at all.

Fortunately the author has even answered this question, saying that we can do sufficiently well without these and coupled with the 8 hands at our disposal, we can do multiple tasks at the same time. This way every individual can focus all his power, energy and attention to his main goal. In the novel, War of the Worlds, one of the factor for Martian's victory is their body structure.

Moreover, such ideas are not at all unique that the nose/mouth distract us from our path. Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, discourages communication among his employees, tagging it as a waste of time and energy. Another author, Roald Dahl, renowned for his children stories, writes in an adult Gothic story, how a dead man's brain along with the optic nerve, attached to one eye can be preserved in a basin for an infinite period of time. The brain can then focus on specific matters of the world with extreme concentration and attention, assisted by the eye only.

Yet, I haven't told you the connection of Charles Darwin or evolution with all this and its time I tell you. Look, if we, humans, evolved (though we do not evolve and will not evolve) then it would be probably something like what Wells sketched. Day by day, the average work load on every human being is increasing. As Darwin suggested in his theory that an organism evolves to survive then if we are to survive and if we could evolve, it would be in that 100% efficient being. Actually all of this is nothing but a mere wild guess substantiated by something negligible and based on something truly and totally wrong. Anyway, the creature/martian/future (evolved) human resembles quite a lot with this enemy martian in Metal Slug Saga. Take a sneak peek at what could have been the future you.....
So...even martians do this?

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