Wednesday 20 May 2015

Imagine the unimaginable

Wait, is unimaginable even a word? eh bien, it exists in the dictionary so that will be considered a word. However the point is, there is nothing like unimaginable. Its just a hollow word, thrown around by dunces with literally zero mental imaginative power. I wonder how do they even define unimaginable; something that cant be imagined...nay utter rubbish, everything can be imagined, well almost about everything.
Close your eyes...wait not now or you will miss this 'important' lecture, or well perhaps you might even doze off, when you close your eyes. Anyway, lets imagine something. How about...a lion walking on a ramp...well when I imagine that I can see Mufasa from doing a 'cat walk'. Lets try another, rather let me just throw some vivid imaginations that you can imagine. Piggy back ride....imagining yourself bald....Voldermort, thanks to Dark Lord Funk, its not hard to imagine that. So well now wait...I think I'm out of ideas! This is not a good sign...I must try to imagine something...oh imagine yourself a single celled organism or how about a man hunter who embellishes his walls with human heads like "Aye! the one you see there with eyeballs dropping that's Dickens, proved to be a good game" How about imagining Shakespeare as a ballet dancer or Hitler as an artist. Imagine Spider man with Batman's utility belt or Superman with Mjolnir. Actually the latter wouldn't have been much of imagining since, no one except Thor can lift Mjolnir.
Ok..Ok..enough of imagining. Lets talk about some serious stuff. So why do people don't imagine stuff? Why aren't they creative enough? I bet their brain is like a closed nutshell, which still needs to be opened. Oh wait, I shouldn't say such bad stuff about people who can't imagine since, specially after the imaginative power breakdown lately, I don't consider myself imaginative or synonymous. Getting back to the topic, most student's really care about imaginative skills. In most of the under developed countries curriculum, cramming is promoted. Moreover people think imagining is actually nothing fruitful but a waste of time.
Then what do you say? You are going to start imagining from today or you are just going to be a couch potato, watching the life pass, without even tickling your imagination? The choice is yours to make but I can just try to tell you that without imagination, the world loses its charm. Oh wait, what if I tell you that the quantum theory was the production of imagination. Actually more or less every single theory is in fact a result of imagination. Imagining the variables, the constants and other factors, then deducing the results and basing the hypothesis. Still, if you are not willing to imagine then,you are going to live a life of a dummy without color, charm and beauty.
Circumscribing the topic, I would advise you to imagine after all what does it even cost? Time and intellect well I bet both of these are worth giving for imagination. On the other hand, if you are an obstinate donkey, who refuses to still imagine well then I leave you to your state gentleman...or perhaps..mental man. Your case is helpless. Salutations Bucket-Head.

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