Wednesday 20 May 2015


What did you think when you read the heading? No, no, the upcoming paragraphs are not about some serious world changing issue which might bore you out of your wits. Dying of suspense? Or already switched the tab out of boredom and lack of interest? Anyways let me continue with your mental therapy.

I am not asking you to radically reform and revolutionize the world. I know it’s out of your control. I am just asking you to think. Use the organ which you have on the upper roof of your head, believe me if turned on, it will work like a charm. Think….but think what? Right? Think about anything and everything.

Spare some moments here and think, how many children have died in infancy while you were reading this sentence. Didn’t they have the equal right to live? They didn’t commit any sin, then why did they die? Think…what is the value of human life? Why on the basis of man-made barriers do we indiscriminately slaughter Muslim, Jews and Christians alike? Think…why do we even call ourselves humans? Aren’t we really reckless monsters and beasts who really don’t care about women who become widow and children who become orphan? Think….the number of trees that might have been cut to provide for the pages of this magazine alone, hundreds? Think…why you are reading this? This doesn’t have anything to do with you, then why waste time? Think…what lies beyond this universe? What deep secrets do the depths of oceans hide? What hidden treasure is buried in the lands? Which pearl is concealed in the skies? Think…why did Newton only thought why the apple fell? Why was Einstein kicked out of school though his studies changed the world? How did Stephen Hawking manage to give us a glimpse of the secrets of universe with just one muscle of his cheek? Think….why are there seven continents? Why are there so many stars in the sky?

Now snap out of those thoughts. Do not wander too much in there. Those are dark tunnels. Some have light at the other end, others are simply endless. You expect me to answer those questions, right? No, I can’t, many people can’t, there answer lie with the Providence. We do not have access to that information but the least we can regarding those questions is….think.

Thinking is a mere process which most of us do involuntarily. It’s wrong. It’s unfair for the brain. Stimulate it and think of everything, why is this the way it is. This is a healthy exercise.

Wrapping the topic up, I would urge you to think and rethink of all the things existence and processes. Think and then seek answers:

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

-Paulo Coelho (Alchemist)

Besides Allah knows everything and everything is in His command, still we must utilize His special blessing and think…more and…more.

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