Saturday 22 June 2019

My haphazard notes on biological anthropology and Darwinism’s relation with Nazis

Aristotles teleological assumption

Racial classification

Craniometry and 5 types: Caucasian, Mongolian, Aethiopian, Malayan, American

Slavery and abolitionists; monogenists and polygenists 

Franz Boas and his distinction but continuation of racial (European) superiority

Typological model= skin colour, hair colour, body build, stature etc based on Linnaeus’ classification
False assumptions and wrong criterias; Recent research comparing human DNA sequences from around the world has shown that 90% of human genetic variation exists within what we have previously assumed to be more or less separate "races" and only 10% between them.  In other words, "racial" groups are far from being homogenous.

Populational Model= based off of anatomical and physiological differences after considering the population ie groups of people who’ve mated internally and exclusively but distance has never hindered reproduction 

Clinal Model=This model is based on the fact that genetically inherited traits most often change gradually in frequency from one geographic area to another. Allele B frequency across Europe:
Gradual change because the close living people mate with each other and there’s more chance that they’ll mate with closer people (>100 miles) than more. Still as transportation becomes easier these results may be slightly tainted but still very reliable. 
But this doesn’t work well wide properly together. This might be due to historical migration, large world wide events or pockets of isolated communities.

==> The patterns of human variation around the world are not only highly complex but also are constantly shifting through time.  Furthermore, the rate of change in the patterns has been accelerating as our numbers grow and as long distance travel and migration become more routine.  Contributing to the intermixture of peoples in the Western World has been a reduction of inhibitions about marriage across perceived "racial" lines.  When we are compared to many other kinds of animals, it is remarkable how little variation exists within our own species.  There is 2-3 times more genetic variation among chimpanzees, 8-10 times more among orangutans, and thousands of times more in many insect species.  Most biological anthropologists would agree that human variation is not now sufficient to warrant defining separate biological races, varieties, or sub-species.  However, it very likely was in our distant prehistoric past.

—> Race is a social construct. No biological basis.


Hitler was a social Darwinist. Believed in survival of fittest but not human evolution: eugenics, kill disabled, more land, racial extermination
Because Nordic and Aryan superiority as they faced colder weather.
Agreed with Weismann and not Lamarck. Right to do so.
According to them Darwinism supports racial inequality: aryans diverged too early, natural selection drives aryans, oppose miscegenatio. n 
Eugene Fischer (big boy) also has hair colour scale, Fritz Lenz, Theodore Fritsch, Gobineaus racism, Hans Weinert, Hans Gunther, 
Present in Mein Kempf 

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