Thursday 31 December 2020


The half moon glowers puckered face in the twilight on New Year’s Eve      

Somehow alone; I have nothing to say, nothing to write, on New Year’s Eve      


The wind ran amok, passions more so, I wasn’t alone though      

Suspiciously unafraid, last year I revelled in delight on New Year’s Eve      


Honey bee’s pollinating assorted flowers; I wasn’t sure where I was going

Two years ago, I was living too cautiously like life wasn’t finite, on New Year’s Eve       


Aching joints, cold hands, getting blood pumped from a frigid heart

Three years ago, thanks to me, our love got frostbite on New Year’s Eve

Out from the crystal lake into the greasy pond with reedy outgrowths

Four years ago existence felt like a burden, a leech—a parasite on New Year’s Eve     


Naivety, joy and haughtiness have unsurprisingly good synergy

Half a decade ago, the cocoon was bursting for my first flight on New Year’s Eve        


And all these years I’ve back pedalled to, pale in comparison to 2013

When maybe I should have preemptively dug a burial site on New Year’s Eve