Tuesday 15 September 2015


Brace yourselves gentlemen, World War III is coming and you better watch out…

So I am reading this book, “Coming up for air” by George Orwell (he is my favorite author, nowadays). In the book, the protagonist continues to believe that World War II is coming and in fact it really is coming since its 1938 but he sees and believes that the majority of people do not have any idea about it. So maybe I have been influenced by the novel…and you know I have started to think that way…or maybe it really is coming!

This is the 21st century. Countries today, even the smallest, are capable of triggering a chain reaction, to cause another World War. I mean, look if one random European country just goes nuts and wages war on another one, other countries would start taking sides and then there will be BOOM! BOOM! BLAST! You get the picture? On the contrary, I believe this time war is going to initiate from Asia. Indo-Pak war flashbacks? Maybe..well lets go into the details. Let me state some recent conditions which have compelled me to think so.

Speaking of our very own country Pakistan first. Ever since Modi got elected, there have been constant swirls of Pakistan and India suddenly getting neck to neck. Well it used to happen before but it has become more frequent now. There is a constant firing of comments from arsenals of both countries foreign offices. Both countries have scandalized and made a much ado about nothing in various other sectors like films (remember Saif Ali Khan? Or Pakistani people nagging Indian films, saying those contained Anti-Pakistan rubbish and God knows what not), cricket (well it’s always been there) and hockey (I just put it here randomly). Ah, and the ever ticking time bomb; Kashmir. Honestly speaking I have no idea what’s going on, but what I am sure about is, that Kashmir makes it to headlines daily from a week or so……actually it’s just always there; Kashmir problem, with its creepy face and just smiling and saying; “Miss me?”. With both countries becoming more and more advanced in warfare (Pakistan is rumored to have the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal) it’s time for us to fret and worry.

Moving on forward, Russia. Lo! The previously supreme USSR had been out of the bigger world stage since a decade or so, but then guess what? Vladimir Putin, the ever charismatic, makes entry. I mean I really like the guy Putin, somewhat (would love to read his autobiography/biography). With the Ukraine problem in the past, it is evident that Russia no longer wants to sit back and watch. It wants to have a say in the world, and believe me when Putin wants something, he gets it xD. I am sounding like a Putin fan, gosh. Thus, Russia is all geared up.

China…the great. US financial analyst ranging from NPR’s Plant Money to WalStreet’s analyst all say that China’s economy is crashing as its stock exchange did in this summer. What many of them do not see is that, China’s stock exchange crashing doesn’t mean its economy is crashing. Although, China’s economy is slowing down but one must keep this in mind that now China is one heck of a developed country and when a country becomes bigger, progress becomes slower and more difficult to achieve. As simple as that. Getting back to the topic, China is in perhaps the best condition right now, as a nation to threat US dominance. With a couple of good allies, China can shift the flux of power to east. It has a formidable army and sufficient resources. Interestingly China has the upper hand as well in terms of technology as China is literally bustling with teen hackers, who are easily capable of hacking into many of the worlds computers/servers easily.

Then the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries, which have had good years in the past, thanks to their huge oil reserves. Now the oil reserves are no longer as lucrative as the past and so is the interest of Western countries decreasing…These countries might not be superpowers themselves but they have the potential to side with any other country and turn the tide.

Palestine and Israeli conflict, is constantly making world peace vulnerable and I guess not much information is required for the reader to guess that this conflict is probably one of the biggest world issue since a decade or so.

European nations….well they are those serene nations, who just go on and on and on. There are hardly traces of conflicts within them and they being a cause of WWIII seems implausible.

USA, is always prepared for a war. It has the necessary resources, military and the guts to go at war with any of the nations and hope for victory. By improving relations with Cuba, USA has reached a huge milestone and removed a strong hold of communism from the continent more or less.

Till now, we have been talking about countries and nations. Let’s talk about the faction of people who have shaped the world after 1980s. The so called terrorists. By now, terrorists no longer pose a threat like they did in the past. Though Al-Qaeda has been neutralized, ISIS has emerged as another group. However I won’t comment much on these groups and would leave their details and analysis to your own perspective J. What matters is that these people are definitely going to be the commandos if a war ever starts.

However, if war happens. I mean World War III happens as soon as I think it would; then the end is near. Warfare is now no longer limited to gunpowder or missiles. Space, underwater, aerial and God knows how many different weapons and projectiles have been made. No one would be safe. There would be destruction; massive destruction. The technology infused militaries would battle and hardly would the soldiers fight. It would be more like a battle of technology than soldiers and army. I strongly believe that the war might just last some months…because…after just a couple of superpowers use their ‘special attacks’ there would be nothing left to destroyJ.

But for now, life is normal. Enjoy it while you can, because World War III is coming; you like it or not. I would be going; I have to get some rations and make some pre-war arrangements.